What is a Best Friends Application Form?
Friendship is an important need for every human and a lot of thought should go into making friends. Not everyone that comes into your life should be your best friend and everyone should have standards for what they look out for in choosing their best friends.
The best friends’ application form helps you to sift through the plethora of people that come your way on your quest to make friends and create a circle of best friends. The form highlights specific attributes that a person must have to be your best friend. It helps both parties to determine whether or not they share the same values and have some things in common.
Information Required on a Best Friends Application Form
There are specific details that are contained in the best friends’ application form that reflects different characteristics of friendship. To get the best out of the form, every segment of the form must be filled appropriately. Here are the details required for the application.
General Information: This covers the personal details of the form recipient. It requires information such as the name, nicknames, current age, gender, sexual preference, number of siblings, place of birth, location, the current level of study, current profession, and the closest parent.
It also includes details such as drug use type and frequency, alcohol use type and frequency, language spoken, and the current number of close friends.
Personality: This focuses on the personal characteristics of a potential friend. It may require that the recipient identify up to five or even more personality traits from a list of traits in the form.
Some options that may be included include Adventurer, Artsy, Animal Lover, Blue Collar, Athletic, Class Clown, Rockstar, Film/TV Junkie, Night Owl, Vegan, Sapiophile, Poet, Professional, Starving Artist, Daredevil, Crafty, Comic Nerd, Humanist, Intellectual, Music Snob, Treehugger, and Straight Edge, among others.
Opinion and Values: This helps to identify areas where both parties have common values and opinions. It seeks to check the opinions and values of the potential friend on political beliefs, religious/spiritual beliefs, tolerance to others, willingness to make compromises, patience to deal with others’ flaws, outlook towards fun, socializing, kindness, honesty, and more.
Subtle but Important Information: This seeks to know more about potential friends and it includes questions on how important language use is to the form recipient. It also covers opinions and thoughts on different topics, including personality tests, vacations, horoscopes, the future, science, drug/alcohol use, and others.
Other Relevant Information: This is another segment that covers relevant questions that are easy to overlook. These include the preferred methods of communication and why the recipient would want to be friends with the sender. It also covers information such as hobbies, favorite activity, favorite type of food, favorite genre of documentaries, movies, shows, and books, among others.
How to Fill out a Best Friends Application Form
The first thing to do is to locate the best friends’ application form. The good part is that you do not have to download the form to fill it. If you are the one sending out the form, you can get the form online from our site and share the link with the recipient.
If you are the recipient, it is easy to fill out the form, e-sign it, and email or fax it to the initiator of the form. Here are the simple steps to complete the form.
Step 1: Get the form online. It is easy to find. Simply go through our form page and search for the best friends’ application form and then click the “ Download the Friends’ Application Form” to get started.
![Best Friends Application Form-01](https://static-lib.s3.amazonaws.com/cms/Best_Friends_Application_Form_01_fe84624f75.png)
Step 2: In the first section titled “General Information”, you have to fill out the questionnaires one after the other.
![Best Friends Application Form-02](https://static-lib.s3.amazonaws.com/cms/Best_Friends_Application_Form_02_b2672a11e6.png)
Step 3: The next part requires that you circle the personality traits that describe you from the list on the form. Carefully circle each one that applies. Where you have to describe the traits, do so in the summary and your words.
![Best Friends Application Form-03](https://static-lib.s3.amazonaws.com/cms/Best_Friends_Application_Form_03_ae6866e2ce.png)
Step 4: Fill out the other parts of the form carefully. You can delete and rewrite as you wish until you fill out the form.
![Best Friends Application Form-04](https://static-lib.s3.amazonaws.com/cms/Best_Friends_Application_Form_04_9c5c349f72.png)
Step 5: When you are done, click “OK” to save the edited form and click the “Download” button
Step 6: You can download the form on your computer and send it by email or use the share button on the site to send the form to the initiator.
What is a Best Friends’ Application Form used for?
As the name suggests, the best friends’ the application form is used by individuals looking for a good friendship. It is a great instrument designed to help individuals identify common grounds, such as values and opinions shared between them and their potential best friends. When an individual sends the form, the recipient fills it out with the required details and based on this, both parties can agree on whether they will be good as best friends or if they are incompatible.
Who Needs a Best Friends’ Application Form?
The best friends’ the application form is a standard form that can be used by anyone. It is more of an informal but highly effective form that an individual looking for genuine friendship can use to get to know their potential best friends deeply. It is not an official form nor is it a formal form. Its tone is relaxed and does not require any special skills or requirements to fill it out.